Last Update 11 January, 1998
Conceptual graphs (CG) are a graph knowledge representation system invented byJohn Sowa which integrate a concept hierarchy with the logic system of Peirce's existential graphs. Conceptual graphs are as general as predicate logic and have a standard mapping to natural language. The standard reference is Sowa's ConceptualStructures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine.
Conceptual graphs are represented as finite, bipartite, possibly connected graphs. The two kinds of nodes of the graphs are concepts and conceptual relations which are connected by untyped arcs. Each conceptual graph forms a proposition. The above conceptual graph in first order predicate logic is :
Conceptual graphs have the same expressive power of first order logic, frames, scriptsand incorporate modal logic.
The above concept types could have been extracted from the above type hierarchy.There are two special concept types: T, the supertype of all types and the absurdtype (not shown) which is the subtype of all types and is designated by an invertedT.
The minimal common supertype, s U t, is a type label that is the supertype of boths and t.The maximal common subtype, , is a type label that is the subtype of both sand t and is a supertype of any other subtype.The conformity relation, t::i, ensures that an individual i is type conformant with thetype label t.
A concept is an instantiation of a concept type. A concept by itself is a conceptual graphand conceptual graphs may be nested within concepts. However, two or more unnestedconcepts in the same conceptual graph must be connected using links to a relation.
A concept can be written in graphical notation as:or in linear notation as: [Concept].
Each concept has a referent field used to identify the concept specifically or to generalizethe concept, to perform quantification, to provide a query mechanism, etc.
[Cat] The Cat concept in general
[Cat: *x] same as above
[Cat: #920229] a specific cat
[Cat: Bat] same as above but by name (the name of one of my cats)
[Employee: {*} ?] a querry
[Female: #] a female mentioned in a specific context
[Cat: {*}@2] two cats
Conceptual Relations
For any given conceptual graph system there is a predefined catalog of conceptualrelations which defines how concepts may be linked with relations. The semanticsof n concepts linked to a relation would be expressed in predicate form as:Relation(concept1, concept2, ..., conceptN). The majority of conceptual relationswill have two concepts because we ordinarily think this way. With this class ofconceptual relations, the semantics are usually expressed as concept1 Relationconcept2.
Cannonical Graphs
Cannonical graphs repesent real or possible situations in the world. Cannonical graphsare formed through perception, insight, or are derived from other cannonical graphsusing formation rules. Cannonical graphs are a restriction ov what is possible to modelusing conceptual graphs since their intent is to weed out absurdities or nonsenseformulations.
A cannonical graph, w ,may be derived from other cannonical graphs , u,v, whereu and v may be the same graph by formation rules: copy, restruct,join, and simplify. The formation rules formone of two independent proof mechanisms.